Travel Fit is a 51-minute low impact cardio and total body stretch band workout designed to keep you fit anytime you are on the road or just wanting to enjoy a workout that doesn't require a lot of exercise equipment.
If you think this workout is easy, think again. The only easy thing about Travel Fit is the fact that you only need a resistance band to do it. This workout incorporates challenging and effective isolation exercises, along with compound exercises and brief cardio bursts, to maximize your muscle-toning and fat-burning benefits. Travel Fit is a total body conditioning workout and even includes abs. You'll love how much you get accomplished in just 51 minutes. It's fast, it's fun and it works!

Cathe Friedrich's Kick Max Workout DVD
Warm-Up - 12 min.
Kick and Punch Combos - 22 min.
Kickbox/Bootcamp Challenge - 15 min.
Leg Conditioning Drills - 18 min.

Cathe Friedrich Metabolic Blast Workout DVD (from the LITE Series)
- Metabolic Blast - This total body metabolic training workout DVD will hit all muscle groups through the utilization of compound lifting methods and grounded blast movements to fire up muscles and your heart rate! This type of training provides both strength and cardio benefits in a short amount of time. This Cathe exercise DVD will also include a Calorie Crush cardio bonus, a Pyramid Pump, a LITE stretch, and a 6 Pack Ab workout add-on.
- Main Workout Times
- Warm-up ....6:08
- Main Program...29.05
- Stretch...5:28
- Total...40:41
- Bonus Workout Times
- 6-Pack Abs #2...9:53
- Pyramid Pump Back...9:08
- Extended Strech #2...10:43
- Calorie Crush...10:57
- Main Workout Times

Cathe Friedrich's IMAX 4 Low Impact Step Aerobics DVD
*This low impact step aerobics DVD includes an ab bonus and a stretch bonus.
Imax 4 DVD Workout Times
FREE Online User's Guide

Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up
In this active core routine, you will use a barbell plate as you move through a variety of fun standing core exercises to thoroughly warm up your midsection. Lighter weights will be used so that you can focus on core engagement without your shoulders taking over the exercises. A dumbbell option will also be shown.Workout Times
- Total - 10:11
In this active core routine, you will use a slightly heavier barbell plate to add intensity to a variety of standing core exercises. Sliding devices will also be used to create a bit of instability and challenge your core muscles even more! After the standing portion of this routine, you'll take it to the floor for some fun and effective weighted floor exercises. A dumbbell option will also be shown.
Workout Times
- Total - 16:08
Mini Ball Abs
This routine will utilize a Cathe Mini Yoga Ball to challenge your core strength and stabilization through a variety of challenging floor and plank-based exercises. A no-equipment option will be shown for those who don't have a Mini Ball.Workout Times
- Total - 11:16
No Equipment Abs
This routine requires nothing but a mat and your focus. Don't let the lack of equipment fool you! This core routine is no joke! In this workout, you'll be doing a variety of challenging floor-based core exercises. Progressions will be shown on some of the more difficult movements to allow you to make the movements easier or more difficult depending on your ability.Workout Times
- Total - 10:45

Cathe's Perfect Pump DVD
This Cathe Friedrich DVD contains two 30 minute strength routines: one upper body and one lower body. You will challenge your muscles from head to toe as we use a mix of heavier and lighter weights to build a solid pump in each muscle group. No time for downtime in this workout! We'll keep things moving so you can get in, get out, and get pumped! Perfect Pump Lower Body Workout Cathe Friedrich's Perfect Pump Lower Body workout hits all angles of the legs and glutes with a mix of heavy and lighter weights. It will keep you breathing heavy, and you'll feel those muscles working hard the entire time! We will move from exercise to exercise to totally toast your lower body, and you will surely be feeling it the next day! Perfect Pump Upper Body WorkoutGet ready to get heavy! This upper body routine builds a solid muscle burn with no huge time commitment. Each body part is hit with a series of heavy and lighter exercises. This workout moves! Tightening up on those rest periods ensures that your arms will be shaking by the time you're done!- This Cathe workout DVD also includes upper body bonus exercises, lower body bonus exercises, a core bonus core workout, and an extended stretch bonus.
- Perfect Pump: Upper Body 30:43
- Perfect Pump: Lower Body 30:48
- Perfect Pump: Upper Body Bonus 4:52
- Perfect Pump: Lower Body Bonus 7:39
- Perfect Pump: Core Bonus 9:17
- Perfect Pump: Extended Stretch Bonus 8:17
FREE Online User's Guide
An online Cathe Perfect Pump user's guide with several rotations and complete workout instructions is available to download as a PDF or viewed on your computer.
This Product Includes:
- 3 Cathe Boss Bands
- Free Cathe Vinyl Travel Case To Take Your Workouts With You

This Product Includes:
- 3 Cathe Boss Loops
- Free Cathe Vinyl Travel Case To Take Your Workouts With You

This Product Includes:
- 3 Cathe Extra Long Boss Bands For Taller Exercisers (5' 6" to 6' tall)
- Free Cathe Vinyl Travel Case To Take Your Workouts With You

Don't forget you can also use our CATHE Discount Coupons for additional savings on all of our "Daily Deals"
- (MULTI-PACK) CATHE EXTRA-SMOOTH TPE RESISTANCE BAND LOOPS - Includes 4 different resistance strength level loops: Coral = Light Resistance, GREEN = Medium Resistance, BLUE = Heavy Resistance, Gray = X-Heavy Resistance. They're suitable for beginner or a seasoned exerciser
- BECAUSE SMOOTHER IS BETTER: Cathe TPE resistance loops are latex-free and offer superior and smoother elasticity throughout the entire exercise movement, including both the concentric and eccentric phase of the exercise
- These Cathe TPE resistance loops are the same loops Cathe uses in all of her workouts
- PERFECT FOR A VARIETY OF EXERCISES, including workouts for shaping the lower body, legs, glutes, inner and outer thighs as well as upper body strength training, core, yoga, stretching, pilates, and sports training & therapy exercises
- JUST THE RIGHT LENGTH (Cathe 10 inch loops): To get the proper tension throughout an exercise using a resistance loop you need to select a band of the proper length. A 10-inch loop is ideal for most exercisers and will allow consistent and smooth tension throughout each exercise

- CATHE RESISTANCE BANDS SET - Includes 4 different elastic workout bands strength levels: CORAL = Light Resistance, GREEN = Medium Resistance, BLUE = Heavy Resistance, YELLOW = X-Heavy Resistance. They're suitable for beginners or seasoned exercisers.
- JUST THE RIGHT LENGTH - To get the proper tension throughout an exercise using exercise resistance bands you need to select workout bands of the proper length. Cathe has always used 6ft resistance bands in her workouts because they are the ideal length for most exercises and will allow consistent and smooth tension throughout each exercise movement.
- LATEX FREE - Cathe TPE resistance bands are latex-free and offer superior and smoother elasticity throughout the entire exercise movement, including both the concentric and eccentric phases of the exercise. Our bands for working out are also made from environmentally friendly TPE and will not irritate your skin because they are latex free.