In this section for "Fat Burning" and "Weight Loss" we've mainly only included cardio, HiiT and metabolic type workouts for burning calories, but you should not neglect our strength training and toning videos. Here is why.
Any form of exercise, especially when combined with a lower calorie diet, will lead to weight loss initially, but endurance exercise will likely slow your resting metabolic rate while resistance training will boost it as you gain lean body mass. You NEED the increase in resting metabolism that strength training offers. Resting metabolic rate gradually slows with age, which is one reason people put on weight as they grow older.
Plus, strength training has benefits that go beyond changes in weight and body composition. For one, endurance exercise won't lead to significant strength gains or offset the loss of strength and power that comes with aging, but strength training will. What about bone health. Heavy resistance training, by pulling on bones, helps stimulate new bone growth and prevent osteoporosis. Strong bones and muscles are essential for staying functional as you age. Being in shape aerobically won't get you very far if you bones and muscles are weak. By strengthening your muscles, you also reduce your risk for back injuries and help keep your joints healthy by strengthening the muscles that support them.
The take-home message: Don't take the short-term approach and try to lose weight by doing only cardio each day. Give equal attention to strength training too so you can build stronger muscles and bones and boost your resting metabolism. Our recommendation for your weight loss program is to mix strength training and cardio videos into your weekly exercise program. You will also need to eat a diet of mainly whole foods and as as little processed foods as possible. For more information on a healthy lifestyle visit our Blog on
