Order Cathe Friedrich's STEP BOSS Aerobic Step Workout DVDs
Arrree youuuuu readyyyy?? The Step Boss step aerobic DVD series is designed for the advanced exerciser and is comprised of three step DVDs that will challenge your muscles and cardio endurance with fun new, energetic routines! While all of the routines are step-based, they follow different formats for three totally different types of a challenge! Are you getting excited? Let me tell you more!
About Cathe's 3 Advanced Step Boss Step Aerobic Workout DVDs
IMAX 4 - Low Impact DVD
This Cathe Friedrich low impact DVD follows the same basic format of the past IMAX workouts, with the added bonus of this one being entirely low impact! You'll start each round with a basic step routine which we will repeat six times. You don't have to be a master stepper to follow these mini combos. They will be straightforward and easy to follow. Each mini combo will be followed by a low impact high-intensity blast segment which then transitions into a short resting phase. This pattern will be repeated throughout the workout. The advanced nature of the workout comes not from the complexity of the routine itself, but from the intensity and nonstop formatting.
*This Cathe exercise DVD includes an ab bonus and a stretch bonus.
PHA 3 - Step DVD
PHA by design is comprised of alternating upper and lower body exercises which allows one body part to rest while the other works. This full-body strength training DVD will follow that general pattern, but with an additional increase in cardio factor throughout the routine. With this workout, you can expect to sweat and burn as you challenge your endurance and muscular strength!
*This Cathe workout DVD includes an ab bonus and a stretch bonus.
Step Sync DVD
If you love step choreography this is the step workout DVD for you! This workout step aerobics routine is entirely choreographed from beginning to end! We will build and execute advanced step aerobic combinations that will make you feel like the "boss of your workout" by the time you're done!
*This Cathe step workout DVD includes a 21-minute intermediate step aerobics routine for those exercisers who want to challenge themselves with STEPsync, but need a slower start. The combos in this bonus step aerobics workout will be easier to grasp but will most definitely still be a challenge!
Not Only Does the Step Boss series offer 3 new workout routines but also includes:
- Bonus Abs Two bonus Ab workouts to keep that core tight and toned.
- Bonus Extended Stretch two extended stretches to help us lengthen and relax hard-worked muscles.
- Bonus 20-Minute Intermediate Step Routine for those exercisers who want to challenge themselves with STEPsync but need a slower start. The combos in this bonus will be easier to grasp but will most definitely still be a challenge!
- Premixes - All STEP BOSS DVDs will have numerous workout premixes.
BONUS VIDEOS: Not all bonus videos are on every STEP BOSS DVD. See the list above to see which bonus videos are on each DVD.
STEP BOSS DVD Workout Times
- IMAX 4 45:26
- Step Sync 56:14
- PHA 3 54:43
- Bonus Intermediate Step 21:27
- Bonus Ab Stacker 9:30
- Bonus Ab's #2 9:58
- Bonus Chair Stretch 16:57
- Bonus Lying Stretch 10:00
FREE Online User's Guide
An online user's guide with several workout rotations and complete workout instructions will be available to download as a PDF or viewed on your computer. Rotations will also include our QuickSelect for OnDemand users which will automatically and instantly launch your OnDemand videos.
Cathe Step Boss DVD Video Previews
Cathe Step Boss IMAX4 Step Aerobics Workout DVD
Cathe Step Boss PHA3 Total Body Strength Training DVD
Cathe Step Boss Step Sync Step Aerobics Choreography DVD
Cathe Step Boss Bonus Intermediate Step Aerobics DVD
Cathe Step Boss Bonus Ab Stackers core Training DVD
Cathe Step Boss Bonus Abs 2 Abdominal Training DVD
Cathe Step Boss Bonus Extended Chair Stretch Exercise DVD
Cathe Step Boss Bonus Extended Lying Stretch Exercise DVD