Cathe Friedrich's STEP BOSS PHA 3 Workout DVD
PHA workouts by design are comprised of alternating upper and lower body exercises that allow one body part to rest while the other works. This Cathe Friedrich total body low impact workout DVD follows that general pattern, but with an additional increase in cardio factor throughout the routine. With this workout, you can expect to sweat and burn as you challenge your endurance and muscular strength!
*This PHA Workout DVD includes an ab bonus and a stretch bonus.
Cathe PHA 3 DVD Workout Times
PHA 3 54:43
Bonus Ab Stacker 9:30
Lying Stretch 10:00
FREE Online User's Guide
A Cathe Step Boss online user's guide with several rotations and complete workout instructions is available to download as a PDF or viewed on your computer. Rotations include our QuickSelect for OnDemand users which will automatically and instantly launch your OnDemand videos.
Cathe PHA 3 Total Body DVD Video Previews
Cathe Step Boss PHA3 Total Body Strength Training DVD
Cathe Step Boss Bonus Ab Stackers Core Training Workout
Cathe Friedrich Step Boss Bonus Extended Lying Stretch