About My New Workout Series
I'm so excited to share some news with you about my latest fitness project:
Lift, Move, & Restore - Functional Training for the Actively Aging Lifestyle. Over the past decade, I've heard from some of my long-time fitness followers stating that they no longer wish to push quite so hard in their workouts. They are asking for a gentler, yet still very effective approach to their fitness lifestyle. Maybe they no longer can or wish to do high impact because their joints are unhappy. Maybe they can't or prefer not to lift the heaviest of weights because their wrists or shoulders no longer like it. Maybe the speed or intensity of a routine is more than their bodies enjoy at this stage. No matter how you slice it, we start to experience changes as we age, and as active, fitness-minded individuals we sometimes need to find other options to keep doing what we love to do.
Now, let's talk truths. With age, changes start to take place in our muscles, our bones, and our joints. We begin to lose some muscle density, strength, and our endurance, balance, and flexibility are often challenged. These truths can be hard to accept for those of us who have spent a good portion of our lives doing high-intensity and often high-impact workouts. In some cases, this means we may have to carve out a new path in our fitness journey so that we can continue to work hard, stay fit and healthy, and still enjoy our workouts.
Fitness is our own fountain of youth and there is nothing more important than fitness in our actively aging journey! If we want to keep doing what we do in life and loving it, exercise will always have to be a top priority! Staying active will not only help to keep us younger longer both physically and mentally, but it will also help us to live longer, fuller, more vigorous lives! We are strong, we are committed, and we are nowhere near stopping.
I didn't take this project lightly. There's a big difference between a gentler approach to fitness as WE know it, and workouts that are "easy." Although I do plan to continue releasing high-intensity workouts (as well as other types of series) in the future, I wanted to create a series that fills the gap between my toughest workouts, and what many are finding is their new fitness threshold. With a focus on functional training and overall body wellness, the workouts in this series were created to improve performance while keeping us primed and ready for what life brings.
What is Functional Training?
Functional training focuses on movements used in our daily lives. With functional training you'll focus on bending, twisting, pulling, pushing, and lifting movements using multiple muscles at a time, as well as more than one joint to make the movement happen. Functional training is intended to challenge our minds and bodies with movements that have a direct carry-over to everyday activity. There are many benefits to functional training, some of the most important of which are improved posture, greater muscle memory, improved coordination, and improved balance. All these elements are key in injury prevention, mental stimulation, and overall quality of life.
About the 8 New DVDs
Let's talk about the workouts! This series includes 8 DVDs that utilize functional training methods. Within the series, you'll work on strength, mobility, flexibility, balance, and proper muscle recovery.
- Functional Core Fusion While many traditional ab exercises focus on the rectus abdominus (the stomach muscles that we imagine when we think of "abs"), the core is much more than just the abs. The core is the center of our bodies which includes the abs, but also includes the pelvis, lower back, and hips. This workout will train the entire core from front to back to ensure that we have overall core strength and flexibility. Training the core in a functional manner, in multiple directions and planes, will ensure that the core is conditioned to serve us better in everyday challenges.
- Functional Barre Fusion This fun, low-impact workout will utilize higher reps and lighter weights to challenge the entire body with a perfect balance of strength and light cardio. You'll test your balance, mobility, stability, and flexibility.
- Functional Yoga Fusion This yoga-inspired routine will blend traditional yoga movements and sequences with additional training modes, methods, and rep patterns to increase strength, mobility, flexibility and body balance.
- Functional Mobility Fusion It's not uncommon for individuals to struggle with stiffness throughout the body, along with some balance challenges, especially as we age. One of the best ways to combat these issues is with mobility training. This workout will include a variety of dynamic exercises designed to increase your range of motion so you can move through your active lifestyle more comfortably, and with improved balance, which will also aid in fall prevention.
- Functional Pilates Fusion This active full-body conditioning routine will include a mix of classic Pilates movements along with additional workout modalities to tone, and elongate your muscles while also improving posture, alignment, mobility, and flexibility.
- Functional Upper Body This complete upper body routine will utilize compound movement, unilateral movement, and moderate weight to challenge the upper body. We will work in multiple planes with strength and conditioning exercises created to train us for everyday life challenges. This workout is designed to promote bone, joint, and muscle health.
- Functional Lower Body This complete lower body routine will utilize compound movement, unilateral movement, and moderate weight to challenge the lower body. We will work in multiple planes with strength and conditioning exercises created to train us for everyday life challenges. This workout is designed to promote bone, joint and muscle health.
- Functional Total Body This complete total body routine will utilize compound movement, unilateral movement, and moderate weight to strengthen and condition us for everyday life challenges. Expect to see some balance challenges throughout to improve body awareness and aid in fall prevention. This workout is designed to promote bone, joint, and muscle health.
The main workouts and their durations are:
- Functional Upper Body - 48:16
Functional Lower Body - 52:15
Functional Total Body - 53:40
Functional Core Fusion - 31:23
Functional Barre Fusion - 47:59
Functional Yoga Fusion - 40:55
Functional Mobility Fusion - 41:54
Functional Pilates Fusion - 33:19
Plus 8 additional bonus workouts:
Upper Body Balance Disc Bonus - 20:47
Lower Body Balance Bonus - 19:56
Anytime Mobility Bonus - 16:37
Functional Core Bonus - 10:58
Upper Body Foam Rolling Bonus - 15:09
Restorative Yoga Bonus - 22:43
Low Impact Cardio Bonus - 13:51
Lower Body Foam Rolling Bonus - 17:56
Is This Series for You?
Some of you may be reading this thinking that this is EXACTLY where you are in your journey and that these new workouts are just what you're looking for. You're right! This series is the bridge between high-impact, high-intensity workouts, and the new gentler approach to fitness. Understand, these new workouts are not a brisk walk in the park. We will be lifting, moving, and restoring our bodies in a way that makes us feel worked without feeling defeated.
Some of you may be reading this thinking that this is NOT AT ALL where you are in your journey yet and that these new workouts are just not for you. You still love high impact, jumping, burpees, and anything else that I may throw at you! BUT, consider this, in between those intense workouts the body needs to recover. Mixing gentler workouts into your routine will help to aid in active recovery, flexibility, balance, and will keep your body in top shape for all those harder workouts!
- This series is for the individual who has always been active but needs to take it down a few notches.
- This series is for the individual who loves tough workouts but wants some gentler routines for days when they are sore or don't want to push quite as hard.
- This series is for the individual who is finding that everyday activities are getting a bit harder and are looking for ways to build up their strength for longevity.
- This series is for the previously active individual who is working their way back into a fitness routine and wants to heal their minds along with their bodies.
- This series can work for anyone.
I am so excited to share this new series with you as we continue our fitness journey together!
FREE Lift, Move & Restore Online User's Guide
An online user's guide with several rotations, program information and tips, and complete workout instructions is
available to download as a PDF or viewed on your computer. This guide also includes printable workout cards to help you log your weight selections and track your progress as you move through the Lift, Move & Restore program.
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