Core Max workout DVD is a 60 minute abdominal and core workout that is broken down into the following segments. Feel free to pick and choose anyone of the segments and do them 3 times per week.
Segment #1 (No Equipment) - 20 min.
- Super Mans
- Levitation Holds
- Hip Lifts Bent Leg
- Hip Lifts Straight Leg
- Corkscrew
- Opposite Elbow to Knee
- Reach to Outside of Knee
- Frog Style Crunches (Both Knees Open to Sides)
- Crunches With Straight Legs in Air
- Crunches with Knees Bent on Floor
- 3 Level Crunches
- Rope Climb Crunches
- Frog Style Crunches (Second Time)
- 3 Level Crunches (Second Time) with Pulses at the Top
- Ax Crunches
- Reverse Crunches
- Crunches With Arms and Legs Extended
- Reverse Crunch (Second Time)
- Straight Leg Prone Plank
- Hip Dip Planks
Segment #2 with Stability Ball Only - 20 min.
- Superman on Ball
- Roll Outs
- Roll Ins
- Roll Ins for Obliques (Legs Pull in on an Angle)
- Pikes (Jacknife) on the Ball
- Crunches on top of Ball
- Long Lever Ball Exchange
- Vertical Oblique Rotations With Legs Straight in Air
- Side to Side Chops
- Ax Chops for Obliques
- Pelvic Tilt Crunches
Segment #3 with Stability Ball and Medicine Ball - 20 min.
- Superman (No Equipment)
- Curl Up's with Medicine Ball
- Rocket Shoots
- Modified V-sit
- Oblique Rotations with Knees Bent in the Air with Stability Ball and Medicine Ball
- Side to Side Rotations
- Supine Wood Chops on a Diagonal
- Side to Side Wood Chops on Stability Ball Holding Medicine Ball
- Oblique Crunches with Medicine Ball on Shoulder
- Long Range Crunches
- Short Range Crunches
- Long Range Crunch (2nd Set)
- Short Range Crunch (2nd Set)
These exercise segments feature some new moves which may feel very different to you at first. Once you see the move, try the move, and get acclimated to it, you will really maximize the benefits of the workouts. As always, keep your focus, use a challenging weight wherever offered, use good form, and execute every rep to YOUR maximal effort.
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Hardcore Series: Core Max - Workout 1
Hardcore Series: Core Max - Workout 2
Hardcore Series: Core Max - Workout 3