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Slide & Glide DVD (from the Low Impact Series)
Slide & Glide DVD
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Product Code: 913

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Cathe Friedrich's Low Impact Series Slide & Glide DVD

Get ready 'cause we're gonna slide and glide into all-out, low-impact, high-intensity action. This workout simply never slows down! You'll begin this routine with a solid 20-minute low-impact, cardio slide and glide segment. In this segment you'll test your stamina and aerobic endurance while remaining completely joint-friendly with your feet grounded on your sliding devices.* After you work up a great sweat, you'll take it down to the mat for an intense slide and glide total body conditioning segment. Here you'll work on your muscular strength and physical endurance with unique sliding exercises for every muscle group! You'll do all of this with nothing but your sliding devices of choice, a resistance Firewalker loop, and a fitness mat. Think it's impossible to get a challenging total body workout with no weights? This workout will prove it and the results will speak for themselves!

Workout Times:
  • Warm Up - 4:49
  • Cardio Standing Slide - 21:22
  • Seated and Floor Slide - 20:34
  • Stretch - 5:04
  • Total - 52:00

    This workout features our vocals only option which allows you to play your own music if desired.

    *Sliding devices not included.

    Cathe DVD Video Preview

      Low Impact Series - Slide & Glide

  • Accessories for this product...
    Cathe Aqua Eco-Friendly Extra Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat Cathe Blue Eco-Friendly Extra Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat One Cathe Green Medium-Tension Extra-Smooth TPE Firewalker Resistance Band Loop
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    Our Price: $34.97
    Deal of the Day Price: $24.97

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    Cathe Eco-Friendly Extra-Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat Cathe Eco-Friendly Extra-Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat Cathe Extra-Smooth TPE Green Medium-Tension Firewalker Resistance Band Loop