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Pure Strength Series DVD
cathe pure strength series workout dvd
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Cathe Friedrich's Pure Strength Series DVD Contains Three Muscle Conditioning Workouts:

Pure Strength Strong Legs & Abs

This thorough leg & ab workout leaves no lower body muscle untouched. The workout begins with a warm-up and follows with a tough standing leg workout. It then continues with classic floor work that is enhanced through the use of resistance. The workout concludes with a challenging abdominal routine and a stretch. Some of the featured moves are: alternating plie squats, sit and stand squats, step-ups, and creative calf and hamstring exercises. The soundtrack is a refreshing instrumental remix of classic 70's & 80's rock music. You'll hear favorites such as "Legs," "Addicted To Love," "Show Me the Way," and "Rock 'n' Roll."

Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

This workout begins with a brief warm-up followed by unique and classic chest, shoulder and triceps exercises. The chest routine focuses on inclines, declines, and negatives to enhance and recruit new muscle fibers. The shoulder routine puts a twist on some classic moves (e.g. Arnold presses instead of standard overhead presses) and also incorporates some compound exercises (seated clean & press) to enhance special shaping techniques. The triceps routine brings back some favorites (dips with barbell) plus introduces some new exercises (cross-body kickback) to activate all three heads of the triceps muscle. The music features great 70's rock classic remixes plus upbeat instrumentals.

Pure Strength Back Biceps & Abs

This workout begins with a warm-up followed by a thorough back, biceps, and abdominal routine and ends with a relaxing stretch. The emphasis of this video series is on strength and is similar in style to Maximum Intensity Strength. The back routine consists of exercises including the T-bar row, bent over row, one-arm row, and shrugs. These exercises target all areas of the back and assist in the development and maintenance of good posture. The bicep routine includes barbell curls, seated dumbbell curls, negative curls, and concentration curls. Various hand grips will not only target the biceps but also the forearm muscles as well. The abdominal and spinal erector workout will provide a strong support system for your everyday functions. This will not only enhance your posture but will help prevent unnecessary back pain. Music features 70's classic rock instrumental remixes such as "Brown Sugar," "Superstitious" and "That's the Way."
Cathe Friedrich's Pure Strength Series Strong Legs & Abs Workout DVD
Cathe Friedrich's Pure Strength Series Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Workout DVD
Cathe Friedrich's Pure Strength Series Back, Biceps & Abs Workout DVD

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