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Turbo Barre DVD (from the Low Impact Series)
Cathe Friedrich low impact Turbo Barre exercise DVD
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Product Code: 914

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Cathe Friedrich's Low Impact Turbo Barre Exercise DVD

This Cathe Friedrich results-oriented low impact workout DVD focuses on strength, flexibility, and high-energy fun. If you don't already own Cathe's Turbo Tower, feel free to use a chair to participate in this workout.

This low impact workout DVD routine is the ultimate long and lean total-body strengthening workout and incorporates most of the same methods that many professional dancers use when they train. Expect to combine elements of pilates, yoga, and ballet, drizzled with some light cardio benefits for an excellent total body conditioning workout. After a warm-up, you will strengthen the upper and lower body with light to moderate hand weights. Have a lighter and heavier set handy so you can quickly make adjustments to challenge your muscles appropriately. After the hand weight conditioning segment, you will get your turbo bar or a chair for a very challenging lower body leg strengthening segment. Finally, you will conclude with a very intense core workout!

Low Impact Turbo Barre Exercise DVD Format:

Warm Up - 10:41
Upper/Lower Body Muscle Endurance - 10:54
Leg Work with Firewalker Loops - 6:37
Ballet Barre Leg Conditioning - 27:31
Floorwork - 4:05
Abs/Core - 7:34
Stretch - 7:42
Total - 74:00

This workout features a vocals only option which allows you to play your own music if desired.

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    Low Impact Series - TurboBarre

Accessories for this product...
One Cathe Green Medium-Tension Extra-Smooth TPE Firewalker Resistance Band Loop Cathe Aqua Eco-Friendly Extra Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat Cathe Blue Eco-Friendly Extra Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat
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Our Price: $34.97
Deal of the Day Price: $24.97

Cathe Extra-Smooth TPE Green Medium-Tension Firewalker Resistance Band Loop Cathe Eco-Friendly Extra-Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat Cathe Eco-Friendly Extra-Thick TPE Yoga Exercise Mat