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Pedal Power DVD
Cathe Friedrich Pedal Power Indoor Cycling Workout DVD
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Product Code: 960

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Cathe Friedrich's Pedal Power Indoor Cycling Workout DVD

Get ready to put the pedal to the metal and cycle your heart out with this zero-impact indoor cycle workout. Pedal Power is a hill-pumping, heart-thumping, speed-jumping workout that leaves you soaked and spent as you blast away calories and burn unwanted body fat. Indoor cycle is a great aerobics conditioning cardio format that burns a ton of calories while remaining completely low impact and joint friendly. Indoor cycle workouts are a great addition to any fitness or weight-loss regimen to aid in building cardiovascular strength and endurance with no impact on your knees and joints. The Pedal Power at-home exercise DVD includes a playlist of motivating songs, formatted to create a unique riding profile that will challenge you from start to finish with seated to standing drills, flat sprints to rolling hills, and tempo to tabata drills. This DVD also includes 5 workout premixes for additional workout length options and more workout variety. All you need is your indoor cycle so snap or strap in and enjoy the ride!

Equipment Needed: Indoor Cycle Bike

Workout Times:
  • Warm Up - 4:28
  • Workout - 46.39
  • Stretch - 7:09
  • Total - 58:16

    Three Ways To Listen to Pedal Power Rockin Music!

    Just another way our DVDs give you more value for your money!
    With our new Triple Tracks Audio, we have added a third track of instrumental music. Thus, you will be able to listen to your Pedal Power DVD in three different ways:
    • Vocals only (Cathe's voice only, no music)
    • Normal (Cathe's voice plus music with singer vocals)
    • Instrumental music (Cathe's voice plus instrumental music)

    Triple Tracks Audio lets you enjoy your Cathe DVDs in different ways. If you don't like sound-a-like, now you can play just the instrumental version. If you prefer to play your own music you can select the vocals-only option. Though we can't please everyone's musical taste, Triple Tracks Audio is an industry first that should please the majority of workout enthusiasts.

    Pedal Power DVD Video Preview

      Cathe Friedrich Pedal Power Indoor Cycling Workout DVD

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    Cathe Half Gallon Motivational Water Bottle with Insulated Carry Sleeve Cathe Heel Tab Training Workout Socks Cathe Non-Slip Grip Fitness Socks Cathe Says Training Socks White 8-Pack
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