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Lean Legs & Abs DVD
Cathe Friedrich Lean Legs & Abs Lower Body Workout DVD
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Cathe Friedrich's Lean Legs & Abs Lower Body DVD

This lower body & abs toning and muscle shaping workout DVD uses both innovative and traditional exercises to shape the thighs, butt, and core. All of the muscles of the legs are used and challenged in this workout with most of the emphasis placed on the quadriceps and outer thigh muscles to provide the perfect complement to glute focused workouts. The sequencing in the Lean Legs & Abs at-home exercise DVD is designed to keep your heart rate up while incinerating your thighs and revealing your inner six-pack. You'll begin with a compound legs segment that will build a fire in your lower body as you squat and lunge your way to amazing legs! The compound nature of the movements will also bring a bit of a cardio element through elevated heart rate, as well as some lighter weight shoulder sculpting as you use the upper body to increase the intensity of some of the compound exercises. Next up is a Firewalker resistance loop and chair segment. Here you will continue your thigh and booty burn with exercises that have a direct focus on the front of the thigh and the outer thigh/upper glute area. You'll finish your workout with a unique core segment that includes exercises that use a dumbbell, a resistance loop, as well as body weight only exercises. 6 workout premixes have also been included for additional variety and workout length options. Are you ready to totally fire up your legs and core? Let's go!

Equipment Needed: dumbbells, light resistance loop, chair, fitness mat

Workout Times:
  • Warm Up - 6:10
  • Workout - 36:44
  • Stretch - 5:39
  • Total - 48:33

    Three Ways To Listen to Lean Legs and Abs' DVD Rockin' Music!

    Just another way our DVDs give you more value for your money!
    With our new Triple Tracks Audio, we have added a third track of instrumental music. Thus, you will be able to listen to your Lean Legs and Abs DVD in three different ways:
    • Vocals only (Cathe's voice only, no music)
    • Normal (Cathe's voice plus music with singer vocals)
    • Instrumental music (Cathe's voice plus instrumental music)

    Triple Tracks Audio lets you enjoy your Cathe DVDs in different ways. If you don't like sound-a-like, now you can play just the instrumental version. If you prefer to play your own music you can select the vocals-only option. Though we can't please everyone's musical taste, Triple Tracks Audio is an industry first that should please the majority of workout enthusiasts.

    Cathe Lean Legs & Abs Workout DVD Video Preview

      Cathe Friedrich Lean Legs & Abs Lower Body Leg Workout DVD + Core

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