
Cathe Friedrich's Ab Circuits DVD
This intense core training exercise DVD Includes 7 unique ab based workouts. Each of the routines will use different equipment and a variety of exercises to totally challenge your core strength and stability. Building a strong core can help to improve posture, enhance flexibility, strengthen the low back and can help to prevent injuries that can occur from weak core muscles. This will not only make every day tasks, such as bending and lifting, more comfortable, but will also improve your overall physique. Ab Circuits was designed for use with the STS shock training weight program, but can also be used alone or as part of any weight-loss or fitness regimen. With this DVD you can expect to "shock" your entire midsection core/abdominal region with the following segments: Yoga-Based Abs, Pilates-Based Abs, Stability Ball Abs, Medicine Ball Abs, Weights and Plates Abs, and even a Bonus Medicine Ball with Partner Abs. No matter which one you choose, you'll love the varied balance and strength challenges each workout provides and you'll love the results even more!
Equipment Needed: fitness mat, stability ball, sliding devices, ankle weights, wrist weights, med ball
Workout Times:Yoga-Based Abs - 15:00Pilates-Based Abs - 18:00Weights and Plates Abs - 18:00Stability Ball Abs - 20:00No Equipment Abs - 17:00Medicine Ball Abs - 10:00Partner Medicine Ball Abs Bonus - 9:00
Cathe Friedrich's Ab Circuits Workout DVD