
A Cathe Friedrich Advanced Level Workout
Ramped Up Upper Body Workout DVD
It's time to chisel some muscles! This Cathe upper body workout DVD will utilize both heavy and lighter weights with varied rep patterns to keep your muscles confused and working at maximum capacity. By combining the best of the two techniques your muscles will feel challenged even when it's time for lighter weights. We will also add in some resistance tubing at the end of some of the rounds for an added bonus burn! In this strength training upper workout, we will stay focused on one particular upper body muscle group to totally fatigue it before moving to the next. Let's ramp up the reps, ramp up the burn and ramp up your results!
Cathe Ramped Up Upper Body DVD Video Preview
- 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 & 35 Pound Dumbbells
- Resistance Tubing (Medium)
- Step with 3 Risers per Side
- Mat
Basic Premixes-
#1 Warm Up + Back + Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Biceps + Bonus Abs + Stretch (59:52)
Timesaver Premixes-
#1 Double Back: Warm Up + Back + Back + Stretch (29:02)
#2 Triple Back: Warm Up + Back + Back + Back + Stretch (39:35)
#3 Double Chest: Warm Up + Chest + Chest + Stretch (16:24)
#4 Triple Chest: Warm Up + Chest + Chest + Chest + Stretch (20:53)
#5 Double Triceps: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Stretch (23:13)
#6 Triple Triceps: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Triceps + Stretch (30:40)
#7 Double Shoulders: Warm Up + Shoulders + Shoulders + Stretch (23:25)
#8 Triple Shoulders: Warm Up + Shoulders + Shoulders + Shoulders + Stretch (31:11)
#9 Double Biceps: Warm Up + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch (21:05)
#10 Triple Biceps: Warm Up + Biceps + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch (27:38)
#11 Back & Chest: Warm Up + Back + Back + Chest + Chest + Stretch (38:00)
#12 Tri's and Bi's: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch (36:53)
Mish Mosh Premixes-
Scrambled (Push Pull): Warm Up + Chest + Back + Triceps + Biceps + Shoulders + Stretch (44:48)
Extreme #1 (Double It): Warm Up + Back + Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Biceps + Back + Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Biceps + Stretch (83:28)
Extreme #2 (Double Each Round): Warm Up + Back + Back + Chest + Chest + Triceps + Triceps + Shoulders + Shoulders + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch (83:28)
Extreme #3 (Includes 2 Rounds of Bonus Abs): Warm Up + Back + Chest + Bonus Abs (Roll Downs through Rope Climb) + Triceps + Biceps + Bonus Abs (L Position Leg Circles through Plank Complex) + Shoulders + Stretch (59:17)