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STS Push Pull Tower
STS Push Pull Tower
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Availability:: Back Order
Product Code: 760



The STS - Push/Pull Tower has been designed for the user who wants to be able to do Pushups, Pull Ups and Bench Presses, but doesn’t have the room or the desire to invest in heavier, bigger and more expensive fitness equipment. It can easily be moved by just one person and weighs just 38 lbs. This patent pending tower has also been designed to easily be used with your step or exercise bench for flat and incline barbell bench presses. It also makes it easier for you to change the weights on your barbell for all of your exercise and is great for stretching exercises too. The Push/ Pull cross bar can easily be adjusted up and down depending on the length of your arms. The barbell catches can be moved up and down to fit different bench heights and the length of your arms.

The STS - Push/Pull Tower has been designed so that you can easily do pull ups in the supine position. This makes it possible for people who can normally only do one or two pull ups or none at all, to finally be able to complete and do a pull up routine.

When used as a barbell rack person can now select a barbell weight that is more appropriate to their strength level instead of being limited by their ability to lift the barbell off the floor and into the starting position for bench presses. Weight matters in strength and toning workouts and the STS - Push/Pull Tower can help you to get faster and better results by allowing you to safely and easily use the correct weight.


The STS - Push/Pull Tower is easy to move around and breaks down in less than a few minutes for easy storage. Though the STS- Push/Pull Tower has been tested by and independent testing lab to be able to handle up to 500 lb’s, we don’t suggest using a barbell weight of no more than 100 lb’s on the unit. You should use a bench press for heavier weights for obvious safety reason.

Height - 55 inches

Width- 32 inches

Depth - 37 inches

Weight - 30 lbs


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