
Cathe Friedrich's Gym Style: Chest & Triceps Workout DVD
This intense at-home weight training exercise DVD will thoroughly challenge your chest and triceps with gym style, straightforward exercise selections at their best! Building lean muscle mass will not only help to improve your overall physique, but it will also help to raise your metabolic rate to help you burn fat and burn more calories even when your muscle is at rest. You'll kick-off your workout with a power-packed 20 minute chest routine starting with drop sets of push-ups to get a TOTAL pump in your chest. From there you will begin tried and true chest exercises with a heavy weight and controlled rep speed with moderate rests between sets. You're chest muscles will be on fire, but the workout doesn't stop there! After the final weight set for chest you'll move right into a 20 minute triceps segment. Here you'll target the backside of the arms with weights and with rubber resistance using your band. The weights will pump up your triceps and you'll follow up with a band burn to finish off the muscle with a fiery sizzle! If you're ready to build a strong, chiseled upper body, grab your weights and let's go!
Equipment Needed: step with risers (or weight bench), barbell, various dumbbells, medium tension resistance band
Workout Times:
Warm Up - 4:00
Chest - 20:00
Triceps - 20:00
Stretch - 4:00
Total - 48:00
- Push ups - 16 reps
- Push ups - 14 reps
- Push ups - 12 reps
- Push ups - 10 reps
- Push ups - 8 reps
- Push ups - 6 reps
- Push ups - 4 reps
- Push ups - 2 reps
- Dumbbell Bench Press #1
- Dumbbell Bench Press #2
- Dumbbell Bench Press #3
- Dumbbell Chest Flys #1
- Dumbbell Chest Flys #2
- Dumbbell Chest Flys #3
- Dumbbell Incline Chest Press #1
- Dumbbell Incline Chest Press #2
- Dumbbell Incline Flys #1
- Dumbbell Incline Flys #2
- Barbell Close Grip Press #1 (transition exercise to triceps)
- Barbell Close Grip Press #2
- Dips
- Dumbbell Lying Extensions #1
- Dumbbell Lying Extensions #2
- Dumbbell Seated Extensions #1
- Dumbbell Seated Extensions #2
- Dumbbell Cross Body Extensions #1
- Dumbbell Cross Body Extensions #2
- Band Bonus Burn
- Cross Body Extensions
- Dumbbell Kickbacks #1
- Dumbbell Kickbacks #2
- Band Bonus Burn
- Kickbacks
Music was created by Muscle Mixes and is an all instrumental mix of various styles of music to help keep you motivated.
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- You will need a full sized step (preferably with 3 risers under each side), an adjustable barbell, various weighted dumbbells, and a medium 6ft tension resistance band to do this workout.
GYM STYLE CHEST & TRICEPS contains 2 premixes.
1. Timesaver - 32 min 2. Chest & Triceps Superset - 31 min