
Cathe Friedrich's FlexTrain DVD
FlexTrain is a non-stop, low impact, total body strength and toning workout that mixes metabolic training with high-rep strength training. A mix of fun and effective exercises are used to unleash your strength, endurance, and beautifully sculpted muscles. During this at-home exercise routine you will perform challenging upper body and lower body weight exercises to boost your calorie burn, rev up your metabolism, and build lean muscle mass. You'll complete the workout with an intense abs segment to tone, tighten and strengthen your core. This will quickly become one of your favorite go-to workouts when you are looking to work up a great sweat while building strength in a creative, low-impact, high-energy way. This exercise DVD also includes 3 workout premixes to give you additional variety and workout length options.
Equipment Needed: dumbbells, pair of gliding devices, medium resistance band, medium resistance loop, fitness mat
Workout Times:
Warm Up - 7:14
Workout - 44:36
Stretch - 4:46
Total - 56:36
Three Ways To Listen to Cathe's FlexTrain's Rockin Music!
Just another way our DVDs give you more value for your money!
With our new Triple Tracks Audio, we have added a third track of instrumental music. Thus, you will be able to listen to your Flex Train DVD in three different ways:
- Vocals only (Cathe's voice only, no music)
- Normal (Cathe's voice plus music with singer vocals)
- Instrumental music (Cathe's voice plus instrumental music)
Triple Tracks Audio lets you enjoy your Cathe DVDs in different ways. If you don't like sound-a-like, now you can play just the instrumental version. If you prefer to play your own music you can select the vocals-only option. Though we can't please everyone's musical taste, Triple Tracks Audio is an industry first that should please the majority of workout enthusiasts.
Cathe FlexTrain Low Impact Metabolic Total Body DVD Video Preview
- Dumbbells
- Slide N Glide Discs
- Green Stretch Band
- Green Firewalker Loop
- Mat
47:48 Timesaver #1 - No Abs: ( Warm
Up + Legs & Shoulders + Back + Legs & Biceps + Chest With discs + Disc
lunges + Triceps + Legs/FireWalkers + Stretch)
47:49 Timesaver #2 - No Disc + No FireWalkers: (
Warm Up + Legs & Shoulders + Back + Legs & Biceps + Triceps
+ Core/Abs +Stretch)
39:00 Timesaver #3- No Disc + No FireWalkers + No
Core ( Warm Up + Legs & Shoulders + Back + Legs & Biceps +
Triceps + Stretch)