Cathe Friedrich's CrossFire Metabolic HIIT Workout DVD
Are you looking to burn fat, crush calories, and build lean muscle? Are you willing to work hard, and sweat even harder? Get ready to get ignited because you're about to embark on a fitness and metabolic conditioning workout like no other. You'll kick off this supercharged workout with high-intensity cardio intervals that will get your heart pounding and your metabolism revved up! But there's no time for downtime because you'll move right into a Firewalker resistance loop Tabata Blast that will leave you breathless! You'll follow up the Tabata segment with a metabolic conditioning circuit that will challenge your heart and muscles with both cardio and strength using body weight and weighted dumbbells. You'll finish this workout with a Plyometric Tabata that will seal the deal on this ultimate challenge exercise DVD! This workout is an excellent addition to any weight-loss or fitness regimen as you will continue to burn calories long after this workout is done! Whether you choose to do this workout in it's entirety or split it up into multiple short cardio challenges, you're sure to see amazing results!
This at-home workout DVD Includes a bonus ab segment to target and tone your midsection. Also included are 12 additional premixes (including a low impact Tabata) to give you more options and more variety with this routine.
Equipment Needed: resistance loop, light to moderate dumbbells, gliding devices
Workout Times:Warm-Up - 6:30Fitness Blast - 8:50Firewalker Tabata - 4:55Circuit Blast - 22:45Plyo Tabata - 5:20Stretch - 6:45Total - 55:05
Bonuses:Bonus Core - 9:10Bonus Low Impact Cardio Tabata - 4:40
Cathe CrossFire Metabolic HIIT DVD Video Preview
- Blue Firewalker Loop, a pair 3,5, and 10 pound dumbbells, one 15 pound dumbbell,a set of Slide N Glide discs, tubing for use as a marker
Premix #1: CrossFire Plus Core 64:09 ( Blue Firewalker Loop, a pair 3,5, and 10 pound dumbbells, one 15 pound dumbbell, a firewalker band, a set of Slide N Glide discs, tubing for use as a marker)
Warm Up SEGMENT ONE: Cross Fire Fitness Blast Firewalker Tabata SEGMENT THREE: Cross Fire Circuit Blast Plyo Tabata Bonus Core Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #2: Timesaver Low Impact Tabata 17:56 (a set of Slide N Glide discs) Warm Up Low Impact Tabata Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #3: Timesaver Firewalker Tabata 18:09 ( Blue Firewalker Loop) Warm Up Firewalker Tabata Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #4: Timesaver Plyo Tabata 18:31 (a pair of 3 and 5 pound dumbbells) Warm Up Plyo Tabata Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #5: Timesaver Plyo Tabata + Firewalker Tabata 23:27 ( Blue Firewalker Loop, a pair of 3 and 5 pound dumbbells ) Warm Up Plyo Tabata Firewalker Tabata Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #6: Timesaver Triple Tabata 28:04 ( Blue Firewalker Loop, a pair of 3 and 5 pound dumbbells, Slide N Glide discs)
Warm Up Low Impact Tabata Plyo Tabata Firewalker Tabata Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #7: Timesaver Fitness Blast + Firewalker Tabata 26:59 ( Blue Firewalker Loop) Warm Up SEGMENT ONE: Cross Fire Fitness Blast Firewalker Tabata Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #8: Timesaver Circuit Blast 35:59 (a pair 3, and 10 pound dumbbells, one 15 pound dumbbell, Blue Firewalker Loop, a set of Slide N Glide discs, tubing for use as a marker) Warm Up SEGMENT THREE: Cross Fire Circuit Blast Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #9: Timesaver Fitness Blast/Plyo Tabata/Core 33:14 (a pair of 3, 5 and 8 pound dumbbells) Warm Up SEGMENT ONE: Cross Fire Fitness Blast Plyo Tabata Bonus Core Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #10: Less Impact 56:16 (a pair of 3, 8, and 10, pound dumbbells, one 15 pound dumbbell, blue Firewalker Loop, Slide N Glide discs, tubing for use as a marker) Warm Up SEGMENT ONE: Cross Fire Fitness Blast Low Impact Tabata SEGMENT THREE: Cross Fire Circuit Blast Bonus Core Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #11: No Tabatas 53:56 (a pair of 3, 8, and 10 pound dumbbells, one 15 pound dumbbell, blue Firewalker Loop, a set of Slide N Glide discs, tubing for use as a marker) Warm Up SEGMENT ONE: Cross Fire Fitness Blast SEGMENT THREE: Cross Fire Circuit Blast Bonus Core Cool Down/Stretch
Premix #12: CrossFire Extreme 73:44 ( Blue Firewalker Loop, a pair 3,5, 8, and 10 pound dumbbells, one 15 pound dumbbell, a firewalker band, a set of Slide N Glide discs, tubing for use as a marker) Warm Up SEGMENT ONE: Cross Fire Fitness Blast Low Impact Tabata Plyo Tabata SEGMENT THREE: Cross Fire Circuit Blast Plyo Tabata Firewalker Tabata Bonus Core Cool Down/Stretch